Three exceptional products from Switzerland were presented with the Swiss Excellence Product Award 2019 by the Swiss Excellence Foundation on Monday, 26 August 2019 at the Grünenhof Congress Center of UBS in Zurich.
They have won this year’s competition:
- Naviswiss AG, Brugg for the product “NAVItag Sensors” and the breakthrough in the digital planning and live control of orthopedic interventions
- Turicode AG; Winterthur for the product “MINT.extract” and the breakthrough in structuring documents with the internally developed DQL – “Document Query Language
- Swiss Shrimp AG, Rheinfelden for the product “Swiss Shrimp (giant shrimps)” and the breakthrough in antibiotic-free and CO2-reduced shrimp (giant shrimps) breeding
“All three award-winning products are not only innovative in their product approach and product benefits but also sustainable. The three companies also have a clear strategy and a solid business plan for what are in some cases very demanding value chains,” said jury president Dr. Heiko Visarius.
The Swiss Excellence Foundation has set itself the goal of locating and also promoting technical innovation in Switzerland. Part of the concept is that not just a prize money is awarded, but that the prize-winning companies are supported in their further development by the foundation’s large network in an advisory capacity so that they can achieve their goals more quickly. Also important is the close collaboration with genisuisse, which is responsible for coaching companies with innovation potential.