The offer
The offer
We Specialize in

Coachingfor CEOs – Startups
Heiko Visarius is the only coach in Europe who is accredited by four recognised coaching organisations: EASME, Innosuisse…

WorkshopsTrade Fairs – Market Access Germany
Heiko Visarius is the only coach in Europe to be accredited by four recognized coaching organizations…

SpeakerVarious subjects around innovation…
Heiko Visarius has 20 years of experience in the MedTech sector. He combines an industry perspective with a solid…

ExpertExpert committees | Jurys Moderation
Heiko Visarius works as an expert for various national and international institutions such as Horizon…

BoardsMedtech and strategy Competence…
Your company is well positioned, but is still looking for proven know-how at a strategic level in order to further…

EventsConcept | Moderation
A congress or a symposium can be a good opportunity to give existing or potential customers a platform and at the…